Friday, September 11, 2009

pkny at solar 1

please come out and support.

We'll be setting up all day, our service station and barter post should be up and running in the afternoon. The Pecha Kucha will get get started with some music around 7:30pm and the presentations will begin around 8:30. Each presentation promises to be around 5 minutes. Very excited to be part of this.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hector Correa

"The farm is approximately three hectares. It’s small, as you guys saw. There are the cows, the milk from the cows, the pigs, the chicken, the goats, and we also have some rabbits, the vegtable garden, the bio-gas that is produced for the house, and the windmill for water. So we use the least amount of outside, artificial energy. We produce as much energy as we can here. And this is how we have tried to construct a world within nature – we have infused ourselves in nature and don’t wish to remove ourselves from it. We feel very well adapted to living in nature and it is a fundamental component of our lives. We try not to do harm nature, and in that sentiment we have been prospering with nature, constructing an environment that is familial, creative, nourishing, so that in all aspects of our lives the greatness of nature is implicit." - Hector Correa, small-scale farmer from the province of Matanzas

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Caitlin prepping the installation

An improvised song by Miriam Peña Levya: